Carrots velvet sauce with crispy Bacon

500 g carrots, boiled
Some slices of Marchisio Bacon, roasted on a pan
1 spring onion
1 piece of ginger root
2/3 tablespoons of Greek yogurt
Broth, salt, olive oil, water, marjoram and nutmeg to taste

1.Fry the chopped spring onion over low heat, add some broth to avoid burning it, then add a pinch of chopped marjoram if you like it.
2.Add the ginger and the boiled carrots, cook for a few minutes adding some broth (add the broth a bit at a time so that your velvet sauce will not be too liquid).
3.Take out the ginger root and blend the velvet sauce.
4.Add a couple of tablespoons of Greek yogurt to add a hint of sourness and freshness to the dish and stir.
5.Fry some slices of Marchisio Bacon on a pan, with nothing else, let the fat melt and cook until the Bacon is crispy. Serve the velvet sauce warm, with some stripes of crispy Marchisio Bacon in the center.

from lamascaincucina

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